Unemployment support: Apply online only

Here’s an update from the Labour Office: its Department of Unemployment switched to digital application forms only. The old paper forms are no longer accepted.
Newly, you have these two options if you want to register yourself as an active job candidate and ask for the unemployment benefit:
1] Apply online
You can apply online via the JENDA app. You have to sign up with your e-government key. (We explain how to set one up here: Czech Digital Identity).
Once you have access to JENDA, you fill out the digital forms and submit the necessary documents in digital format. The forms are in Czech only, but you can use our English templates as a guide.
The Labour Office prefers this option. We recommend you go this way, too.
2] Apply at the office with assistance
You can use the service of an assisted submission at the Labour Office. An officer fills out the digital forms with you, and scans the necessary documents for you.
However, you need a Czech digital identity/Czech residence permit/Czech Registration certificate for EU citizens, to prove your identity. Also, this process is lengthy. The officers don’t always speak English (even though they will try to find you a person that does). This is why we recommend applying online through the JENDA app.
Use official guide with English subtitles to navigate yourself while filling up the form
The online forms are in Czech, but the Labour Office has published two videos how to fill up the forms with English subtitles.
The video explaining how to apply for the registration at the Labour Office is available here. The video explaining how to apply for the unemployment benefit is available here.
If you struggle with this application, read our guide on how to successfully apply for unemployment support here.
This change moves the office towards a digital future. Hopefully, more public authorities will follow. Good luck with your application!
Picture source: canva.com, RgStudio