What are your points of interest on the Brno map?

Do you know where to go in Brno? Whether you are new here or have lived here for a while, have a look at our new multi-layered map!
It is based on the Google interactive map and what you will find there are places important for your life and work in Brno. We have started with 5 layers with over 70 points of interest:

  • local authorities such as foreign police, immigration offices, tax offices, social security office, registry etc.;
  • transport in Brno (train and bus stations, airport, ferry boats and public transport points of sale);
  • culture and arts (cinemas, libraries, museums and much more);
  • trusted international organisations with highly qualified jobs;
  • churches with English services.

Feel free to let us know if you miss anything. We will keep working on more layers (schools and kindergartens, medical services, sport and leisure, ethnic gastronomy). The plan is to also add useful commercial services recommended by our foreign clients. And for advertisers it will be possible to join our Referral programme and highlight their place with a more detailed description and a photo.
Navigating through the map is easy. Each layer has a different icon. In the top left corner menu bar you can switch the individual layers on and off and see the full list of points of interest. Clicking points in the map display detailed information.


Design Brno to your needs.
Tell us your user experience.

We're now conducting research into the life of internationals in Brno, in order to improve the support the city offers you. The results also design and shape public policies with your needs in mind, and help push the future of the city in the right direction.

Please, share your experience living in Brnoregion in our questionnaire and be a part of changing things for the better.

Enter the Great Brno Expat Survey 2023. (Deadline: 10 December)

Learn more >>

(If you've already done so, thank you!)