Employing foreigners

Is your company thinking of employing a foreigner? Do you need to understand the basics about who can be employed, when, and how?

Frequently asked questions and answers are available in our guide "Průvodce pro zaměstnavatele - Jak zaměstnat cizince" (in Czech), including practical tips and links to useful contacts and professional help.

Partner programme

Does your company hire foreign employees? Would you like to ensure they receive priority care and help adapting to Brno?

Companies who join our Partnership Programme benefit from many special services we offer, as they ensure their foreign employees remain happy while taking some of the burden off of their Human Resource departments.

Many prominent companies are already members:

AT&T, Kyndryl, Infosys, Red Hat, Honeywell, Thermo Fisher, Kiwi.com, Atlas Copco, Zebra Technologies, Lufthansa InTouch, Netscout, Hangar13

The one-year service package includes:

  • dozens of hours of priority consulting to your employees
  • knowledgeable interpreter for your employees anywhere they need
  • on-site seminars in 15 different topics
  • a seat on our advisory board – an opportunity to shape the way we and the city council make Brno a better city for expats

Off-the-shelf or tailor-made services include:

  • welcome meeting and presentation to the new-comers and their families
  • individual counselor and support for VIP employees and accompanying spouses
  • seminars and webinars for international employees (about taxes, health care system, pension system, labor code, Czech culture etc.)

Individual services

Not employing a lot of foreigners yet? These paid services can still help you attract and retain foreign talent.


On-site seminars

We can deliver a presentation to your employees at your premises. We cover a range of topics from the general orientation presentation to more specific issues, such as taxation, social benefits, pension, health care, politics, labour code, intercultural communication, Czech business culture, leisure, gastronomy, and so on.

All seminars are in English.

Contact us for a list of all available seminars or to request a particular topic you are missing.


Relocation services

We provide complete and complex relocation services including immigration services and visas, home hunting, soft landing, initial assistance at all offices and services, and a helpful, friendly BEC integration officer during the whole residency.

Our job starts before your employee’s arrival. These services are a great way to attract them to Brno.

Contact us for more information and a pricelist.


Katie Rubottom

I am very impressed with the engagement the BEC team has with our company and employees; and their openness to learn more about our needs and to propose solutions to help our employees. The professionalism, products and services the BEC brings to Brno is truly an amazing asset for the city and its newcomers!


Malgorzata Bogucka

Your flexibility saves us loads of time when adapting newcomers to the work environment and the city of Brno itself. We are pleased that, despite being a small team, you manage to provide individual care and thus help represent Infosys and Brno significantly.

Lufthansa InTouch

Roman Tesař

We consider the Brno Expat Centre’s work beneficial not only to our company, but also to the city of Brno, especially as an important part of its strategic plan. We are grateful to the municipality for its support of the BEC.


David Belinko

As one of the most multicultural and diverse delivery centres of its kind on the globe, IBM’s Client Innovation Centre in Brno finds having a partner that understands the needs of those from home invaluable. BEC goes a long way towards making expats assimilate and feel at home faster.



BEC has been an integral partner with us. They go above and beyond to ensure that not only are our Associates queries answered, but also create an inclusive approach to their integration in Brno through events and activities which add real value to their living experience here


Design Brno to your needs.
Tell us your user experience.

We're now conducting research into the life of internationals in Brno, in order to improve the support the city offers you. The results also design and shape public policies with your needs in mind, and help push the future of the city in the right direction.

Please, share your experience living in Brnoregion in our questionnaire and be a part of changing things for the better.

Enter the Great Brno Expat Survey 2023. (Deadline: 10 December)

Learn more >>

(If you've already done so, thank you!)