When & Where?

13 September 2020

13:30 - 18:00
Tenis Kraví hora - VUT premises

Event booking

Following our doubles tennis tournaments of the Pineapple Cup previous editions in 2013 – 2019, we invite you to the 7th edition this year. It will take place at the Kraví hora, VUT premises located on top of Kraví hora (accessible from the terminus of tram nr. 4 or by car from Rybkova street), with 4 courts on Sunday, September 13 in the afternoon.

Those who won’t be currently playing tennis will be able to watch other matches from a terrace while enjoying a cold drink. All participants can buy refreshments at the bar or watch TV.

The fee is 250 CZK per person and covers renting the courts, tennis balls and prizes. Please bring your own racket. We will start playing at 1.30 pm and will finish around 6 pm, awarding the winners and all participants. Then we can have a drink and some food together.

Do not worry, we don’t expect professional players. It will be more of a social event with lots of fun. Players of all levels are welcome.

Do not miss your chance and REGISTER VIA THIS FORM by 1 September (we can accommodate up to 20 individual players). The tournament is primarily aimed at foreign nationals.

Once registered, you will receive information about the payment. Please provide also your contact information (e-mail, phone no.) so that we can inform you about any possible changes.

Should you have any further questions, do not hesitate to ask our event manager Katka at banova@brnopolis.eu.



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