When & Where?

28 January 2021

09:00 - 18:30
Brno Expat Centre, Orlí 3, Brno

Event booking

As the tax returns deadline is approaching (end of March), this is one of the ways BEC can help you get through the bureaucracy.

If you need help filling out your Tax Residency documents, you can use this opportunity and have one of our consultants help you. Please book one of the time slots via this form so that people don’t congregate at our office.

Before you book, please make sure to check out our guide on  How to apply for a tax domicile so that you have all the documents you need when you come!  You can download the application here: Applications for all four Financial Authorities in Brno.

No slots available anymore? Watch our guide and maybe you’ll be able to get it done by yourself – at facebook.com/BrnoExpatCentre/Live, webinar #13. If you’re still lost, contact our consultants.



Design Brno to your needs.
Tell us your user experience.

We're now conducting research into the life of internationals in Brno, in order to improve the support the city offers you. The results also design and shape public policies with your needs in mind, and help push the future of the city in the right direction.

Please, share your experience living in Brnoregion in our questionnaire and be a part of changing things for the better.

Enter the Great Brno Expat Survey 2023. (Deadline: 10 December)

Learn more >>

(If you've already done so, thank you!)