Are you an EU or non-EU citizen?



Can I drive with a foreign driving license in the Czech Republic?

Yes, you can. You can drive with a driving license issued by an EU member state, for as long as it is valid.

At the same time, you can, but don’t have to, exchange your EU DL for a Czech DL. To exchange your driving license for a Czech one, you have to show a number of documents as evidence that you have lived here for over six months. See the questions “What do I need to apply for a Czech DL”  below.


I have an "EU type" driving license (in accordance with Vienna or Geneva convention). What do I have to do?

Nothing. You can drive as long as your EU DL is valid. If you have a valid driving licence from any EU or EEA member state or Switzerland and you are an EU citizen, your driving licence is valid in the Czech Republic and you don’t have to replace it for a Czech DL ever. You can extend the validity of your driving licence back in your home country (this is recommended).

You also have the option to replace it for a Czech one. This is done at the municipal office (in Brno – Kounicova 67). The exchange process is similar to that of issuing a new one, is possible only after six months of living in the CR in one calendar year, you first need to have a Registration Certificate for EU citizens and bring a number of documents proving your personal, professional, and administrative bonds that last over 185 days in a calendar year. See “What do I need to apply” below.

I have a different type of driving license. What do I have to do?

If your DL (driving licence) is not in accordance with the Convention on Road Traffic (Vienna 1968, Geneva 1949, ie. does not look the same as the Czech DL specimen below), you may drive in the Czech Republic only with an international driving licence which is issued in addition to a valid foreign national DL. The international driving license is issued and can only be extended in the country which issued your national DL.

Japanese, Korean, and SAE DL are accepted and drivers don’t need international DL (we recommend having an official Czech translation though).

There is no obligation to exchange or apply for a Czech driving licence ever. The only limit here is the validity of both the national (usually for many years) and international driving licence (usually for a couple of years).

Obtaining a Czech driving licence, in this case, means signing up at a driving school and, in most cases, passing an exam called Přezkoušení z odborné způsobilosti k řízení motorových vozidel, which confirms that you know Czech driving laws and driving practice. It is done in one day but you must pass all the exams as if you went to a driving school and you must have an authorized interpreter. It must be pointed out though that driving schools are entitled to ask you to take a few driving lessons to verify that you indeed can drive.

In some cases (see below, section What do I need to apply for a Czech DL), you will have to attend to a full driving course as if you have never driven before. You would go through the theoretical part and the 20 hours of driving with an instructor and then pass the written test along with a practical driving test overseen by an authorized authority and (if you don’t speak Czech well enough) an authorized interpreter. See the list of driving schools below.

Can I attend a driving school and get a driving license?

You can apply for a Czech driving license after living in the CR for at least 6 months (in a calendar year). You can start the driving course with any local “autoškola”. Some of them have English speaking instructors – we are providing their contact below. At the end of the driving course (usually in a couple of months), you are provided with a certificated interpreter for the final theoretical exam. Learn the theory and traffic rules in English from a useful app E-testy. At the exam, you have to prove that you have been living in the country for more than 185 days. The school usually helps with the application for the DL.

Driving schools with English-speaking instructors in Brno:

Driving School Brno

  • +420 777 686 476
  • website

Autoškola REAL

  • +420 777 568 234
  • website


  • +420 702 848 231 (Call between 10AM and 6PM)
  • website

Navrátil Driving School

  • +420 731 506 666
  • website

Alfa Brno Driving School

  • +420 739 097 990
  • website

Venclovský Driving School

  • +420 733 210 503, +420 739 570 682
  • website

Formánek Driving School

mixed reviews

  • +420 608 886 895
  • website


Note: Please, remember that due to high demand for services of driving schools, some might be pre-booked months ahead. Also, they might not always be willing to accept English-speaking clients up first, we have only been informed that these driving schools can provide an English-speaking tutor, but there unfortunately is no guarantee that they always will. Neither do we, unfortunately, guarantee your full satisfaction with the services of these schools, we have no personal experience with them, they are just on our list because they offer services in English. 

What do I need to apply for a Czech DL?

You can apply for a new driving licence or replacement of a driving licence (including lost) which is issued in the European Union or a driving licence in accordance with the EU standard; only if you have been living in the CR for at least 6 months in the last or current calendar year.

An application is filled at the counter at the Drivers Agenda Office of the Brno City Municipality (Kounicova 67, counters 24-28., Opening hours: Mon, Wed 8am-5pm; Tue, Thu, Fri 8am-12pm), better book appointment.

For a new driving licence (after passing the driving school) or exchanging a driving licence (issued in EU or in accordance with EU standard) you will need:

  • ID card/Passport
  • Czech Residence card (long-term/temporary/permanent)
  • (new drivers who just completed the driving school in the CR): a confirmation that you passed the driving course in the CR not older than six months and a medical fitness assessment issued by a general practitioner (unless this was acquired when starting the driving school)
  • (drivers wishing to exchange a DL): a foreign driving licence from the European Union or a driving licence issued by a foreign country, the replacement of which is requested,
  • three different categories of documents proving that the applicant has had a usual residence in the territory of the Czech Republic for over 185 days in a calendar year (not requested from Permanent residence cardholders!) All documents have to be in Czech, regular translation is enough.
    • 1) Accommodation contract as evidence that you have lived here more than past 185 days in a calendar year (ie If you apply in May, you need to submit proof of accommodation since June last year and until now – last 10 months):
      • tenant brings an accommodation contract with a recent (max 30 days) signature of the property owner, or
      • property owner brings cadastre extract
    • 2) Confirmation of professional bonds for the past more than 185 days in a calendar year:
      • confirmation of employment from your employer stating when you started your employment and with a signature not older than 14 days or
      • extract from the Trade licence registry not older than 14 days or
      • confirmation of unemployment not older than 14 days
    • 3) 2 x – 4 x Administrative bonds for over 185 days in a calendar year and until now (if applying in May, you need to cover the period from last June until this May); at least two (if you live with a family) or four (if you live alone) of following:
      • Confirmation of health insurance (visit the insurance company and get it in person quickly), a confirmation for the past period
      • Phone or internet bills for the past six months, printout for each of the past 6+ months
      • Waste collection fee confirmation
      • Electricity or gas or water contract and bills for each of the past 6+ months
      • Tax return forms from the last year
      • Life insurance or mortgage contract
      • Vehicle registration
    • Declaration2 of a family member that you live here together (this is optional and can replace some of the administrative bonds from above. And your accommodation contract, in this case, does not require a signature of your landlord to be notarized.
    • If you do not have family ties and live alone, be prepared that you may be asked to deliver up to 4 of the aforementioned administrative bonds
  • signing a declaration of the applicant that no other member country has imposed prohibition of activity on him/her consisting in the ban of motor vehicles driving and that his/her driving licence has not been suspended or withdrawn, limited or conditioned by another EU member country – this has to be written in Czech and signed. A bilingual form is now available in Czech and English at the municipality office on request, just sign it there

You will also most likely be asked for the confirmation of the address document (Výpis z registru obyvatel in Czech). You can apply for it at any Post office with a CzechPOINT label.

An administrative fee can be paid in cash or by credit card.  200 CZK for issue time up to 20 days or 700 CZK for issue time in 5 business days (speedy issuance unavailable for applicants without a Driving License from their country).

When accepting the new Czech licence, the applicant must hand over a driving licence issued by a foreign country.

Where exactly is the office – street view

2.Declaration by your family member can be signed at the municipality office’s form or you can get the form and have it signed at a notary service (or Czechpoint at any post office); in order to apply this, you have to have your family member listed as a tenant in the accommodation contract (or confirmation of accommodation) and bring a document proving your family relations, such as marriage certificate or birth certificate translated into Czech.

Do I have to report a new residence address? Or name change?

No. If you moved to a new residence address, you need to update the Immigration office. But you do not update the driving licensing office, nor need to exchange your Czech DL card.

However, if you changed your name because you got married/divorced etc., you have to first update your Czech residence card with the Immigration office and then apply for an update of your DL with all documents proving your stay has been over six months!

How can I get an International Driving License?

You can apply for a (Czech) International Driving License in addition to your (Czech) Driving License.

Required documents are:

  • Residence card
  • Czech Driving License
  • photograph 3,5 x 4,5 cm
  • 50,- fee

You can visit any municipality office with a driving license registry department.

Do they speak English at the Driving Licence's Registry?

Generally no, English (nor any other language apart from Czech) is not guaranteed. However, every Wednesday between 8.30 AM and 11.30 AM we offer a free-of-charge interpreting service avaialble to anyone who comes and needs to communicate in English. You can either just go there and ask about our assistant (or simply find them) or you can make an appointment with them using our contact form.

Can I drive with a foreign driving license in the Czech Republic?

Yes, you can. You can drive with
A) a foreign national DL issued by an EU member state; or 2. Korea or Japan; or by a country in accordance with Vienna Convention – so it is “EU type” DL, see below (for Korean and Japanese licenses though, we recommend having an official Czech translation).

All information must be in the Latin alphabet.  And, you have an obligation to exchange it within three months once you received a resident permit for over a year.

B) 1. a foreign national DL (ie. issued by any other country and looking different than the specimen below; ie most of the non-European countries) and 2. an additional international DL document issued by the same country that issued your national DL.

EU type of Driving Licence

I have an "EU type" driving license (in accordance with Vienna or Geneva convention). What do I have to do?

If your DL (driving license) not issued by an EU country but is in compliance with the European standard (it is fully compliant with the Vienna or Geneva convention to the smallest details – coding on both sides, fully latin script, see the specimen in the General Information below) or issued by Korea, Japan or SAE, your DL is valid in the Czech Republic. You can drive with it, you don’t need any further international driving license or similar (for Korean and Japanese licenses though, we recommend having an official Czech translation).

However, you have an obligation to replace your foreign DL within three months1 , once you have received the temporary or long term or permanent residence card valid for over one year. (Korea, Japan or SAE – posibility, not obligation)

The exchange of DL is done at the municipal office (Kounicova 67 in Brno). The exchange process, in this case, is quite easy, you just have to bring your foreign DL and your Czech residence card to the municipal office and fill out the form there.

Once your new Czech driving license is ready, in about two weeks, you have to come back, hand over your original driving license, and pay an administrative fee of 200 CZK in cash or by credit card.

Note, that it is easy to exchange the DL (foreign card for Czech card) but it takes more paperwork to extend the validity of the Czech DL or to issue a substitutive DL for a lost or stolen DL. In such a case, you will have to prove with a number of documents that you have been living in the CR for over six months.

1. If you do it later than three months, you don’t get any penalty at the municipal office but you might get caught by the police.

I have a different type of driving license. What do I have to do?

If your DL (driving licence) is not in accordance with the Convention on Road Traffic (Vienna 1968, Geneva 1949, ie. does not look the same as the Czech DL specimen below), you may drive in the Czech Republic only with an international driving licence which is issued in addition to a valid foreign national DL. The international driving license is issued and can only be extended in the country which issued your national DL.

Japanese, Korean, and SAE DL are accepted and drivers don’t need international DL (we recommend having an official Czech translation though).

There is no obligation to exchange or apply for a Czech driving licence ever. The only limit here is the validity of both the national (usually for many years) and international driving licence (usually for a couple of years).

Obtaining a Czech driving licence, in this case, means signing up at a driving school and, in most cases, passing an exam called Přezkoušení z odborné způsobilosti k řízení motorových vozidel, which confirms that you know Czech driving laws and driving practice. It is done in one day but you must pass all the exams as if you went to a driving school and you must have an authorized interpreter. It must be pointed out though that driving schools are entitled to ask you to take a few driving lessons to verify that you indeed can drive.

In some cases (see below, section What do I need to apply for a Czech DL), you will have to attend to a full driving course as if you have never driven before. You would go through the theoretical part and the 20 hours of driving with an instructor and then pass the written test along with a practical driving test overseen by an authorized authority and (if you don’t speak Czech well enough) an authorized interpreter. See the list of driving schools below.

Can I attend a driving school and get a driving license?

You can apply for a Czech driving license after living in the CR for at least 6 months (in a calendar year). You can start the driving course with any local “autoškola”. Some of them have English speaking instructors – we are providing their contact below. At the end of the driving course (usually in a couple of months), you are provided with a certificated interpreter for the final theoretical exam. Learn the theory and traffic rules in English from a useful app E-testy. At the exam, you have to prove that you have been living in the country for more than 185 days. The school usually helps with the application for the DL.

Driving schools with English-speaking instructors in Brno:

Driving School Brno

  • +420 777 686 476
  • website

Autoškola REAL

  • +420 777 568 234
  • website


  • +420 702 848 231 (Call between 10AM and 6PM)
  • website

Navrátil Driving School

  • +420 731 506 666
  • website

Alfa Brno Driving School

  • +420 739 097 990
  • website

Venclovský Driving School

  • +420 733 210 503, +420 739 570 682
  • website

Formánek Driving School

mixed reviews

  • +420 608 886 895
  • website


Note: Please, remember that due to high demand for services of driving schools, some might be pre-booked months ahead. Also, they might not always be willing to accept English-speaking clients up first, we have only been informed that these driving schools can provide an English-speaking tutor, but there unfortunately is no guarantee that they always will. Neither do we, unfortunately, guarantee your full satisfaction with the services of these schools, we have no personal experience with them, they are just on our list because they offer services in English. 

What do I need to apply for a Czech DL?

An application for issuing a driving license may be submitted in person or on one’s behalf on the basis of power of attorney. An application is filled at the counter at the Drivers Agenda Office of the Brno City Municipality (Kounicova 67, counters 24-28., Opening hours: Mon, Wed 8am-5pm; Tue, Thu, Fri 8am-12pm), better book appointment.

Where exactly is the office – street view


If you have the obligation to exchange your original national driving license for a Czech driving license (see question 1. I have an EU type driving license. What do I have to do?), ie. you received a temporary or long-term or permanent residence card (including Employee card) for over 1 year, you just need to bring:

  • Czech Residence card (long-term/temporary/permanent), with your current address printed on the card or written on a stamp in your passport or a confirmation of your residence Potvrzení o současném pobytu from MoI, or Výpis ze základních registrů from any CzechPoint
  • a valid foreign driving license, the replacement of which is requested


In case you want to apply for an exchange of your driving license to the Czech one and your current DL follows Vienna or Geneva conventions, just not into smallest details (coding on both sides, fully latin script), but it still clearly shows what your name is, what evidence number your driving DL has, when your DL was issued and if you have any medical limitations, you will need:

  • ID card/Passport
  • Czech Residence card (long-term/temporary/permanent), with your current address printed on the card or written on a stamp in your passport or a confirmation of your residence Potvrzení o současném pobytu from MoI, or Výpis ze základních registrů from any CzechPoint
  • Valid national DL
  • A confirmation that you passed Czech driving exams not older than six months and a medical fitness assessment issued by a general practitioner. You do not have to undergo all driving lessons, just pass the exam called Přezkoušení z odborné způsobilosti k řízení motorových vozidel. It must be pointed out though that driving schools are entitled to ask you to take a few driving lessons to verify that you indeed can drive.
  • three different categories of documents proving that the applicant has had a usual residence in the territory of the Czech Republic for over 185 days in a calendar year (not requested from Permanent residence cardholders!) All documents have to be in Czech, regular translation is enough.
    • 1) Accommodation contract as evidence that you have lived here more than past 185 days in a calendar year (ie If you apply in May, you need to submit proof of accommodation since June last year and until now – last 10 months):
      • tenant brings an accommodation contract with a recent (max 30 days) signature of the property owner, or
      • property owner brings cadastre extract
    • 2) Confirmation of professional bonds for the past more than 185 days in a calendar year:
      • confirmation of employment from your employer stating when you started your employment and with a signature not older than 14 days or
      • extract from the Trade licence registry not older than 14 days or
      • confirmation of unemployment not older than 14 days
      • confirmation of studies for the past six months
    • 3) 2 x – 4x Administrative bonds for over 185 days in a calendar year and until now (if applying in May, you need to cover the period from last June until this May); at least two (if you live with a family) or four (if you live alone) of the following:
      • Confirmation of health insurance (visit the insurance company and get it in person quickly), a confirmation for the past period
      • Phone or internet bills for the past six months, printout for each of the past 6+ months
      • Waste collection fee confirmation
      • Electricity or gas or water contract and bills for each of the past 6+ months
      • Bank account statements for each month for the past 6+ months
      • Tax return forms from the last year
      • Life insurance or mortgage contract
      • Vehicle registration
    • Declaration1 of a family member (spouse, partner, child…) that you live here together (this is optional and can replace some of the administrative bonds from above. And your accommodation contract, in this case, does not require the signature of your landlord to be notarized.
    • If you do not have family ties and live alone, be prepared that you may be asked to deliver up to 4 of the aforementioned administrative bonds
    • Students instead deliver a confirmation of studies which clearly shows 185 days of continuous enrolment at a school in a calendar year

    An administrative fee can be paid in cash or by credit card.  200 CZK for issue time up to 20 days or 700 CZK for issue time in 5 business days (speedy issuance unavailable for applicants without a Driving License from their country). When accepting the new Czech license, the applicant must hand over a driving license issued by a foreign country.

    1. Declaration by your family member can be signed at the municipality office’s form or you can get the form and have it signed at a notary service (or Czechpoint at any post office); in order to apply this, you have to have your family member listed as a tenant in the accommodation contract (or confirmation of accommodation) and bring a document proving your family relations, such as marriage certificate or birth certificate translated into Czech.


In case you want to apply for an exchange of your driving license to the Czech one and your current DL does not follow Vienna or Geneva conventions, (it doesn´t clearly show what your name is, what evidence number your driving DL has, when your DL was issued and if you have any medical limitations, all written in latin script) you will need:

  • ID card/Passport
  • Czech Residence card (long-term/temporary/permanent), with your current address printed on the card or written on a stamp in your passport or a confirmation of your residence Potvrzení o současném pobytu from MoI, or Výpis ze základních registrů from any CzechPoint
  • Valid national DL
  • Valid international DL (Indian international DLs issued digitally and printed on a piece of paper are not accepted, if you have one, subsection D is relevant for you)
  • A confirmation that you passed Czech driving exams not older than six months and a medical fitness assessment issued by a general practitioner. You do not have to undergo all driving lessons, just pass the exam called Přezkoušení z odborné způsobilosti k řízení motorových vozidel. It must be pointed out though that driving schools are entitled to ask you to take a few driving lessons to verify that you indeed can drive.
  • three different categories of documents proving that the applicant has had a usual residence in the territory of the Czech Republic for over 185 days in a calendar year (not requested from Permanent residence cardholders!) All documents have to be in Czech, regular translation is enough.
    • 1) Accommodation contract as evidence that you have lived here more than past 185 days in a calendar year (ie If you apply in May, you need to submit proof of accommodation since June last year and until now – last 10 months):
      • tenant brings an accommodation contract with a recent (max 30 days) signature of the property owner, or
      • property owner brings cadastre extract
    • 2) Confirmation of professional bonds for the past more than 185 days in a calendar year:
      • confirmation of employment from your employer stating when you started your employment and with a signature not older than 14 days or
      • extract from the Trade licence registry not older than 14 days or
      • confirmation of unemployment not older than 14 days
      • confirmation of studies for the past six months
    • 3) 2 x – 4 x Administrative bonds for over 185 days in a calendar year and until now (if applying in May, you need to cover the period from last June until this May); at least two (if you live with a family) or four (if you live alone) of following:
      • Confirmation of health insurance (visit the insurance company and get it in person quickly), a confirmation for the past period
      • Phone or internet bills for the past six months, printout for each of the past 6+ months
      • Waste collection fee confirmation
      • Electricity or gas or water contract and bills for each of the past 6+ months
      • Bank account statements for each month for the past 6+ months
      • Tax return forms from the last year
      • Life insurance or mortgage contract
      • Vehicle registration
    • Declaration1 of a family member (spouse, partner, child…) that you live here together (this is optional and can replace some of the administrative bonds from above. And your accommodation contract, in this case, does not require the signature of your landlord to be notarized.
    • If you do not have family ties and live alone, be prepared that you may be asked to deliver up to 4 of the aforementioned administrative bonds
    • Students instead deliver a confirmation of studies which clearly shows 185 days of continuous enrolment at a school in a calendar year

    An administrative fee can be paid in cash or by credit card.  200 CZK for issue time up to 20 days or 700 CZK for issue time in 5 business days (speedy issuance unavailable for applicants without a Driving License from their country). When accepting the new Czech license, the applicant must hand over a driving license issued by a foreign country.

    1. Declaration by your family member can be signed at the municipality office’s form or you can get the form and have it signed at a notary service (or Czechpoint at any post office); in order to apply this, you have to have your family member listed as a tenant in the accommodation contract (or confirmation of accommodation) and bring a document proving your family relations, such as marriage certificate or birth certificate translated into Czech.


In case you want to apply for a new driving license (you either don´t have a DL or you have a DL, which does not follow Vienna or Geneva convention and you cannot present international driving license), or extend the validity or you have lost your Czech DL and you want to apply for a replacement of the lost DL, you will need:

  • ID card/Passport
  • Czech Residence card (long-term/temporary/permanent), with your current address printed on the card or written on a stamp in your passport or a confirmation of your residence Potvrzení o současném pobytu from MoI, or Výpis ze základních registrů from any CzechPoint
  • A confirmation that you passed the full driving course in the CR not older than six months and a medical fitness assessment issued by a general practitioner (people with lost or expired Czech DL do not have to pass these exams again)
  • three different categories of documents proving that the applicant has had a usual residence in the territory of the Czech Republic for over 185 days in a calendar year (not requested from Permanent residence cardholders!) All documents have to be in Czech, regular translation is enough.
    • 1) Accommodation contract as evidence that you have lived here more than past 185 days in a calendar year (ie If you apply in May, you need to submit proof of accommodation since June last year and until now – last 10 months):
      • tenant brings an accommodation contract with a recent (max 30 days) signature of the property owner, or
      • property owner brings cadastre extract
    • 2) Confirmation of professional bonds for the past more than 185 days in a calendar year:
      • confirmation of employment from your employer stating when you started your employment and with a signature not older than 14 days or
      • extract from the Trade licence registry not older than 14 days or
      • confirmation of unemployment not older than 14 days
      • confirmation of studies for the past six months
    • 3) 2 x – 4 x Administrative bonds for over 185 days in a calendar year and until now (if applying in May, you need to cover the period from last June until this May); at least two (if you live with a family) or four (if you live alone) of following:
      • Confirmation of health insurance (visit the insurance company and get it in person quickly), a confirmation for the past period
      • Phone or internet bills for the past six months, printout for each of the past 6+ months
      • Waste collection fee confirmation
      • Electricity or gas or water contract and bills for each of the past 6+ months
      • Bank account statements for each month for the past 6+ months
      • Tax return forms from the last year
      • Life insurance or mortgage contract
      • Vehicle registration
    • Declaration1 of a family member (spouse, partner, child…) that you live here together (this is optional and can replace some of the administrative bonds from above. And your accommodation contract, in this case, does not require the signature of your landlord to be notarized.
    • If you do not have family ties and live alone, be prepared that you may be asked to deliver up to 4 of the aforementioned administrative bonds
    • Students instead deliver a confirmation of studies which clearly shows 185 days of continuous enrolment at a school in a calendar year

    An administrative fee can be paid in cash or by credit card.  200 CZK for issue time up to 20 days or 700 CZK for issue time in 5 business days (speedy issuance unavailable for applicants without a Driving License from their country). When accepting the new Czech license, the applicant must hand over a driving license issued by a foreign country.

    1. Declaration by your family member can be signed at the municipality office’s form or you can get the form and have it signed at a notary service (or Czechpoint at any post office); in order to apply this, you have to have your family member listed as a tenant in the accommodation contract (or confirmation of accommodation) and bring a document proving your family relations, such as marriage certificate or birth certificate translated into Czech.


In case you want to apply for an exchange of your driving license to the Czech one and your current DL is from Korea, Japan, or UAE, you will need:

  • ID card/Passport
  • Czech Residence card (long-term/temporary/permanent), with your current address printed on the card or written on a stamp in your passport or a confirmation of your residence Potvrzení o současném pobytu from MoI, or Výpis ze základních registrů from any CzechPoint
  • Valid national DL
  • Valid international DL or a certified translation to Czech of your valid national DL
  • A confirmation of a medical fitness assessment issued by a general practitioner
  • three different categories of documents proving that the applicant has had a usual residence in the territory of the Czech Republic for over 185 days in a calendar year (not requested from Permanent residence cardholders!) All documents have to be in Czech, regular translation is enough.
    • 1) Accommodation contract as evidence that you have lived here more than past 185 days in a calendar year (ie If you apply in May, you need to submit proof of accommodation since June last year and until now – last 10 months):
      • tenant brings an accommodation contract with a recent (max 30 days) signature of the property owner, or
      • property owner brings cadastre extract
    • 2) Confirmation of professional bonds for the past more than 185 days in a calendar year:
      • confirmation of employment from your employer stating when you started your employment and with a signature not older than 14 days or
      • extract from the Trade licence registry not older than 14 days or
      • confirmation of unemployment not older than 14 days
      • confirmation of studies for the past six months
    • 3) 2 x – 4 xAdministrative bonds for over 185 days in a calendar year and until now (if applying in May, you need to cover the period from last June until this May); at least two (if you live with a family) or four (if you live alone) of following:
      • Confirmation of health insurance (visit the insurance company and get it in person quickly), a confirmation for the past period
      • Phone or internet bills for the past six months, printout for each of the past 6+ months
      • Waste collection fee confirmation
      • Electricity or gas or water contract and bills for each of the past 6+ months
      • Bank account statements for each month for the past 6+ months
      • Tax return forms from the last year
      • Life insurance or mortgage contract
      • Vehicle registration
    • Declaration1 of a family member (spouse, partner, child…) that you live here together (this is optional and can replace some of the administrative bonds from above. And your accommodation contract, in this case, does not require the signature of your landlord to be notarized.
    • If you do not have family ties and live alone, be prepared that you may be asked to deliver up to 4 of the aforementioned administrative bonds

    An administrative fee can be paid in cash or by credit card.  200 CZK for issue time up to 20 days or 700 CZK for issue time in 5 business days (speedy issuance unavailable for applicants without a Driving License from their country). When accepting the new Czech license, the applicant must hand over a driving license issued by a foreign country.

    1. Declaration by your family member can be signed at the municipality office’s form or you can get the form and have it signed at a notary service (or Czechpoint at any post office); in order to apply this, you have to have your family member listed as a tenant in the accommodation contract (or confirmation of accommodation) and bring a document proving your family relations, such as marriage certificate or birth certificate translated into Czech.

Do I have to report a new residence address? Or name change?

No. If you moved to a new residence address, you need to update the Immigration office. But you do not update the driving licensing office, nor need to exchange your Czech DL card.

However, if you changed your name because you got married/divorced etc., you have to first update your Czech residence card with the Immigration office and then apply for an update of your DL with all documents proving your stay has been over six months!

How can I get an International Driving License?

You can apply for a (Czech) International Driving License in addition to your (Czech) Driving License.

Required documents are:

  • Residence card
  • Czech Driving License
  • photograph 3,5 x 4,5 cm
  • 50,- fee

You can visit any municipality office with a driving license registry department.

Do they speak English at the Driving Licence's Registry?

Generally no, English (nor any other language apart from Czech) is not guaranteed. However, every Wednesday between 8.30 AM and 11.30 AM we offer a free-of-charge interpreting service avaialble to anyone who comes and needs to communicate in English. You can either just go there and ask about our assistant (or simply find them) or you can make an appointment with them using our contact form.

General info

EU type of Driving Licence


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