General info
Technical inspection (“Osvědčení STK”)
This type of technical inspection is done by vehicle testing stations (STK = stanice technické kontroly). In the Czech Republic, there are around 350 of them. The charge for the certificate of roadworthiness varies between 1000 – 1500 CZK. You will also need to pass an emission test, which usually ads another 1000 – 1500 CZK on the bill. As for the frequency, it is mandatory to have the inspection done every 2 years and in case of a new car 4 years after its purchase.
As a result of the technical inspection, one should obtain:
- a certificate of roadworthiness
- a red sticker on the back license plate (for the technical inspection)
Mandatory equipment
Vehicles (category M and N) = including passenger car need to always have:
- A first-aid kit (Mandatory in all motor vehicles except for mopeds, autocycles, single-axle tractors with a trailer, and electric motor trolleys. It must be kept in a dry, shaded, clean, and easily accessible place. Its contents must be kept in order and replaced before the expiration date).
- Warning triangle – not required for motorbikes
- Reflective Jacket – A reflective jacket carried by all motor vehicles. This must be worn in the event of a breakdown or emergency on all roads, expressways, and motorways. It has to be worn when exiting the vehicle and therefore must be kept within the car.
- Winter tires – Winter tires are obligatory from November 1st to March 31st, if there are wintery weather conditions, meaning that the street is permanently covered with snow or ice or if such conditions are to be expected during your drive. More details here. All vehicles traveling on roads with signage showing a picture of a car and a snowflake must be fitted with either winter tires, or carry snow chains.
Motorcycles and motor-tricycles (minimal mandatory equipment) need to always have:
- One replacement fuse
- One replacement bulb
- A first-aid kit (for any further requirements see above)
Recommended equipment for your car
- Trail rope (with rope eyes and a red signal flag)
- Tyre air pressure meter
- Spare tyre
- Extra fuel tank (reserve of at least 5 litres)
- Distilled water (at least 2 litres)
- Fire extinguisher
- 1 – 2 wheel nuts
- Battery lamp
- Work gloves
- Cloth or paper tissues
Charges for having a car
All cars that use the Czech highway system must display a special sticker (dálniční známka) as evidence of the highway toll. The amount of the toll depends on the weight of the car. For passenger cars up to 3.5 tones the highway toll for calendar year 2020 is 1.500 CZK. Toll stickers for 10 days (310 CZK) or one month (440 CZK) are available.
If a car is used for business purposes, its owner is obliged to pay a yearly Road tax (“silniční daň”) about 2.000 CZK a year depending on the engine volume.
Car insurance
Liability insurance (“povinné ručení”)
An insurance policy which pays for damage caused to the property of others, including cars, as a result of a motor vehicle accident. Motor third party liability coverage is mandatory.
Motor damage liability
An insurance policy which pays for damage caused to the property of others and also to the property of the policy holder, including cars, as a result of a motor vehicle accident. Motor damage liability coverage is voluntary in the Czech Republic.
We can recommend any of the following insurance companies or independent insurance advisors:

Independent experts fully focused on customer needs: complex financial services (all types of insurance, mortgages, investments).
Hrnčířská 573/6, Sfinx Shopping Centre
+420 777 264 567

Insurance company offering a broad range of life and non-life insurance products for individuals, entrepreneurs and businesses.
Orlí 27
+420 773 483 331

A large consulting company provides comprehensive and independent financial advice for dealing with family budgets with a focus on individual needs.
Nové sady 2, 6th floor
+420 777 223 684
Parking in the city
Parking in the streets is regulated in most of the city, and you might either be required to pay for the time you leave your car somewhere, or register as a resident. Read more in our guide dedicated solely to Parking