General info

Having a baby is a very joyous event.

However, apart from regular medical check-ups and standard administrative procedures, becoming a parent in a foreign country creates a whole new list of obligations that need to be fulfilled before as well as after the baby is born.

That is why the parents (to be) should get in touch with a number of offices and familiarize with the procedures described in the answers above.


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Tell us your user experience.

We're now conducting research into the life of internationals in Brno, in order to improve the support the city offers you. The results also design and shape public policies with your needs in mind, and help push the future of the city in the right direction.

Please, share your experience living in Brnoregion in our questionnaire and be a part of changing things for the better.

Enter the Great Brno Expat Survey 2023. (Deadline: 10 December)

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