- E-government Portal: what is it?
Think of the Portal as your online gateway to Czech e-government services. It’s like a central office website where you can handle many official tasks from your computer or phone. It’s free and available in English.
How can I sign up?
You may register and log in via the Citizen Identity (below), such as the Mobile eGovernment key or bank identity, or a Data Mailbox.
Main benefits of the Citizen’s Portal:
- It’s in English and free to use!
- Saves your money: No more fees for printed documents.
- Saves your time: You manage most of the tasks with just one click.
- Makes access to documents easier: You can view, gather, and manage your data and documents such as:
- Criminal record
- Record from the point evaluation of the driver
- Record from the trade register
- … and more
- Data Box (Datová schránka): You can set up and connect all your databoxes to one place
- Gains access to Various Government Offices: The Citizen’s Portal makes it easy to jump to institutions like:
- The Tax Office (Financial Administration)
- The Czech Social Security Administration (ČSSZ)
- The Labour Office
- Your local municipality’s website
- Mobile App: There’s also a free mobile app for Android (Google Play) and iPhone (App Store). This lets you access these services on your phone.
In Simple Terms:
The Citizen’s Portal is your online tool for dealing with the Czech government. It helps you manage documents, communicate with officials, and access important government websites, all from one place. Learn more about it here.
- Citizen Identity (Czech digital identity): What is it?
Think of it as your digital ID card. The online offices can’t see you or your physical ID. That’s why you have to present a digital ID to the online offices so they can make sure it’s really you. “Identita občana” is the only way to authorize yourself while connecting to online government services like the Citizen Portal.
Who can sign up for a Czech digital identity (Identita občana)
All Czech citizens and foreigners with any following document:
- a valid residence permit issued by the Czech Republic (e.g. a permanent residence permit),
- a long-term residence permit (including an employee’s card),
- a visa issued for more than 90 days, or
- a valid registration certificate (this applies to EU citizens only) and
You will also need a mobile phone number with the country code of the Czech Republic „+420“.
How to set up a Digital Identity (Identita Občana)
A digital identity allows you to securely access various government services online, such as the Citizen Portal.
As an expat, you can obtain a digital identity through different methods:
A. Using the Mobile eGovernment app (MEG)
This is the most convenient way to create and access your digital identity and data mailbox through your smartphone.
- Download the mobile app for Android and for iOS.
- Visit this website, select “I don’t have anything” and follow the instructions.
- Use your MEG app to acces your digital identity
If you already have Data Mailbox (usually business persons) and you wish to set up a digital identity, the process is easier. Follow the guide from this link.
B. Using Bank Identity (BankID)
BankID allows you to easily connect to Citizen Identity through the authorization of your bank account.
If you have a Czech bank account with a participating bank, this is the easiest way you can use to create a digital identity.
Currently, not all banks provide the option to set it up, so be sure to check in with your bank about it. These banks should be able to provide it: Česká spořitelna, Fio banka, MONETA Bank and Raiffeisenbank.
The condition is that you must possess any personal document issued by the Czech state (permanent residence, temporary protection visa, temporary residence, etc.).
Foreigners with a Czech personal document with a machine-readable zone (including those from non-EU countries) can apply for a BankID from their bank.
A general guide on signing up for BankID would look like this:
- Log in to your internet banking account.
- Navigate to the section for digital identity activation.
- Follow the instructions provided by your bank to complete the process.
- Once activated, you can use your bank identity to log in to government services.
For more information about BankID, visit this website (in Czech).
C. Using NIA ID (National Identity Authority)
If you do not have a Czech bank account, you can register for a NIA ID.
- Visit the Identita Občana portal.
- Click on “Register for NIA ID.”
- Fill in your personal details and complete the verification process.
- Verify your identity at a Czech POINT office (There’s one in OC Letmo shopping centre or at Žerotínovo náměstí 3)
- Once verified, your NIA ID is activated, and you can use it to log in to online services.
D. Using an eID Card (for EU Citizens)
If you are an EU citizen and have an electronic ID card (eID) from your home country, you may be able to use it to create a digital identity.
- Check if your country’s eID is compatible with the Czech system.
- Follow the steps on the Identita Občana portal to register your eID.
- Use your eID to access government services online.
- Data Mailbox: How do I set it up?
The mailbox can be activated and used free of charge.
Online registration
If you already have a digital identity (Bank Identity, NIA ID, or eID), you can apply online via the Datová schránka website.
Log in with your digital identity and follow the on-screen instructions to set up your mailbox.
In-Person registration
You need to visit a CzechPoint (= a platform for assisted access to the public administration system, learn more about it in our guide Authentication of copies and signatures, or see the map of CzechPoints / find the closest post office).
You have to provide:
- Your ID/passport
- Your temporary/long-term/permanent residency permit or long-term visa. (If you don’t have either, read our guide on Residence Permits)
- An application form, filled out (choose “Žádost o zřízení datové schránky – fyzická osoba” for natural persons.) We prepared a PDF with English translation and instructions on how to fill in the form – open it here.
Once you provide all the documents above, you will get ”Potvrzení o žádosti o zřízení datové schránky” = “confirmation of your request to create a Data Mailbox”, immediately on the spot in two copies. You have to sign them and give one back to the official at the CzechPoint. Please, review all the information carefully before signing the documents.
The access data will be sent by post to the contact address given by you in the application form in a few days. You can set up your personal password and specify if the password has to be renewed every three months or can stay the same (less safe).
Business persons – including self-employed freelancers – must have Data Mailbox and the login is automatically sent to the freelancers after registering the business at the Trade Licensing office. It takes a couple of weeks though.
- Data Mailbox: How does delivery/sending of letters work?
Delivery of correspondence via Data boxes is guaranteed. The owner of the Data Mailbox can be notified when he/she receives a new message. The owner can choose the preferred form of notification (SMS, email). A document delivered to a Data Mailbox is delivered at the moment at which a person authorised to access the delivered document logs into the Data Mailbox, otherwise the message is considered as received and read 10 days after being sent. Delivery of a document to a Data Mailbox has the same legal effect as delivery into the hands of the addressee.
Important: Make sure you set up the notification to your personal email or text message, because every document is considered as received and read 10 days after being sent (i.e. you can’t claim that you haven’t read it)
Sending correspondence and documents via the Data Mailbox is easy, it works basically like any other e-mail client. You open a new message, include a text or attach a document, insert the address of the institution (it has the form of several letters and numbers which have no meaning, e.g. Immigration office: 6bnaawp), and send the message. You can also see immediately a confirmation of delivery and later you can see a confirmation of the message being read.
Most institutions have their Data Mailbox address stated in the Contacts section of their website; you can also search for the address directly via the interface.
Important: once you set up a Data Mailbox, you are obliged to use it towards the Financial office, i.e. you cannot submit the paper version of your tax return anymore.
Also, the messages in the online Data Mailbox are deleted after 90 days, unless you have a paid version which stores your messages. The “Data Safe” is free for the first 6 months and then you have to pay for it.
But, if you use the Datovka app, the messages are stored on your hard disc.
- Data Mailbox: Can I use it in English?
The original online Data Mailbox version managed by the Czech Post is only in Czech.
However, you can download the application Datovka.
Datovka is a cross-platform desktop application for accessing Data Mailboxes and permanently storing data messages on your local disc, similar to your e-mail client. The application has an English version, installation is only in Czech though. After installation and login, you have to go to Settings (cogwheel), select the last bookmark (jazyk) and switch the setting to English. After restarting, the app will function in English.
- BrnoID: What can I do with my online ID?
There are two types of online BrnoID: basic and full. For your basic ID, you just need to register with your e-mail. You can then:
- pay your waste collection fee,
- buy transferable tickets for Brno public transport, or even some the non-transferable ones for a short period of time,
- pay a fine if caught using public transport without a ticket,
- purchase the Brnopas tourist card,
- purchase zoo tickets,
- or tickets to some sports facilities (i.e. swimming pools in Kraví hora, Riviéra, Zábrdovice; or the ice rink Moravák).
For a full online ID, you need to get your personal data verified by uploading a scan of your identity card or visiting one of the verification places in person. Once verified, you can also
- manage resident parking and obtain parking permits (which are necessary to park in areas falling under the residential parking system)
- you’ll also be able to buy your long-term ‘šalinkarta‘.
- create a library account and manage it remotely.
- BrnoID: How can I set it up?
For the basic functions, you can simply register with your email. The platform works like a standard e-shop.
For more advanced functions (such as buying your šalinkarta, the long-term tram/bus pass), you need to get your personal data verified by uploading a scan of your identity card or visiting one of the verification places in person.
Follow the instructions in the e-shop: the platform’s completely in English and free of charge to use.
- E-government Portal: what is it?
Think of the Portal as your online gateway to Czech e-government services. It’s like a central office website where you can handle many official tasks from your computer or phone. It’s free and available in English.
How can I sign up?
You may register and log in via the Citizen Identity (below), such as the Mobile eGovernment key or bank identity, or a Data Mailbox.
Main benefits of the Citizen’s Portal:
- It’s in English and free to use!
- Saves your money: No more fees for printed documents.
- Saves your time: You manage most of the tasks with just one click.
- Makes access to documents easier: You can view, gather, and manage your data and documents such as:
- Criminal record
- Record from the point evaluation of the driver
- Record from the trade register
- … and more
- Data Box (Datová schránka): You can set up and connect all your databoxes to one place
- Gains access to Various Government Offices: The Citizen’s Portal makes it easy to jump to institutions like:
- The Tax Office (Financial Administration)
- The Czech Social Security Administration (ČSSZ)
- The Labour Office
- Your local municipality’s website
- Mobile App: There’s also a free mobile app for Android (Google Play) and iPhone (App Store). This lets you access these services on your phone.
In Simple Terms:
The Citizen’s Portal is your online tool for dealing with the Czech government. It helps you manage documents, communicate with officials, and access important government websites, all from one place. Learn more about it here.
- Citizen Identity (Czech digital identity): What is it?
Think of it as your digital ID card. The online offices can’t see you or your physical ID. That’s why you have to present a digital ID to the online offices so they can make sure it’s really you. “Identita občana” is the only way to authorize yourself while connecting to online government services like the Citizen Portal.
Who can sign up for a Czech digital identity (Identita občana)
All Czech citizens and foreigners with any following document:
- a valid residence permit issued by the Czech Republic (e.g. a permanent residence permit),
- a long-term residence permit (including an employee’s card),
- a visa issued for more than 90 days, or
- a valid registration certificate (this applies to EU citizens only) and
You will also need a mobile phone number with the country code of the Czech Republic „+420“.
How to set up a Digital Identity (Identita Občana)
A digital identity allows you to securely access various government services online, such as the Citizen Portal.
As an expat, you can obtain a digital identity through different methods:
A. Using the Mobile eGovernment app (MEG)
This is the most convenient way to create and access your digital identity and data mailbox through your smartphone.
- Download the mobile app for Android and for iOS.
- Visit this website, select “I don’t have anything” and follow the instructions.
- Use your MEG app to acces your digital identity
If you already have Data Mailbox (usually business persons) and you wish to set up a digital identity, the process is easier. Follow the guide from this link.
B. Using Bank Identity (BankID)
BankID allows you to easily connect to Citizen Identity through the authorization of your bank account.
If you have a Czech bank account with a participating bank, this is the easiest way you can use to create a digital identity.
Currently, not all banks provide the option to set it up, so be sure to check in with your bank about it. These banks should be able to provide it: Česká spořitelna, Fio banka, MONETA Bank and Raiffeisenbank.
The condition is that you must possess any personal document issued by the Czech state (permanent residence, temporary protection visa, temporary residence, etc.).
Foreigners with a Czech personal document with a machine-readable zone (including those from non-EU countries) can apply for a BankID from their bank.
A general guide on signing up for BankID would look like this:
- Log in to your internet banking account.
- Navigate to the section for digital identity activation.
- Follow the instructions provided by your bank to complete the process.
- Once activated, you can use your bank identity to log in to government services.
For more information about BankID, visit this website (in Czech).
C. Using NIA ID (National Identity Authority)
If you do not have a Czech bank account, you can register for a NIA ID.
- Visit the Identita Občana portal.
- Click on “Register for NIA ID.”
- Fill in your personal details and complete the verification process.
- Verify your identity at a Czech POINT office (There’s one in OC Letmo shopping centre or at Žerotínovo náměstí 3)
- Once verified, your NIA ID is activated, and you can use it to log in to online services.
D. Using an eID Card (for EU Citizens)
If you are an EU citizen and have an electronic ID card (eID) from your home country, you may be able to use it to create a digital identity.
- Check if your country’s eID is compatible with the Czech system.
- Follow the steps on the Identita Občana portal to register your eID.
- Use your eID to access government services online.
- Data Mailbox: How do I set it up?
The mailbox can be activated and used free of charge.
Online registration
If you already have a digital identity (Bank Identity, NIA ID, or eID), you can apply online via the Datová schránka website.
Log in with your digital identity and follow the on-screen instructions to set up your mailbox.
In-Person registration
You need to visit a CzechPoint (= a platform for assisted access to the public administration system, learn more about it in our guide Authentication of copies and signatures, or see the map of CzechPoints / find the closest post office).
You have to provide:
- Your ID/passport
- Your temporary/long-term/permanent residency permit or long-term visa. (If you don’t have either, read our guide on Residence Permits)
- An application form, filled out (choose “Žádost o zřízení datové schránky – fyzická osoba” for natural persons.) We prepared a PDF with English translation and instructions on how to fill in the form – open it here.
Once you provide all the documents above, you will get ”Potvrzení o žádosti o zřízení datové schránky” = “confirmation of your request to create a Data Mailbox”, immediately on the spot in two copies. You have to sign them and give one back to the official at the CzechPoint. Please, review all the information carefully before signing the documents.
The access data will be sent by post to the contact address given by you in the application form in a few days. You can set up your personal password and specify if the password has to be renewed every three months or can stay the same (less safe).
Business persons – including self-employed freelancers – must have Data Mailbox and the login is automatically sent to the freelancers after registering the business at the Trade Licensing office. It takes a couple of weeks though.
- Data Mailbox: How does delivery/sending of letters work?
Delivery of correspondence via Data boxes is guaranteed. The owner of the Data Mailbox can be notified when he/she receives a new message. The owner can choose the preferred form of notification (SMS, email). A document delivered to a Data Mailbox is delivered at the moment at which a person authorised to access the delivered document logs into the Data Mailbox, otherwise the message is considered as received and read 10 days after being sent. Delivery of a document to a Data Mailbox has the same legal effect as delivery into the hands of the addressee.
Important: Make sure you set up the notification to your personal email or text message, because every document is considered as received and read 10 days after being sent (i.e. you can’t claim that you haven’t read it)
Sending correspondence and documents via the Data Mailbox is easy, it works basically like any other e-mail client. You open a new message, include a text or attach a document, insert the address of the institution (it has the form of several letters and numbers which have no meaning, e.g. Immigration office: 6bnaawp), and send the message. You can also see immediately a confirmation of delivery and later you can see a confirmation of the message being read.
Most institutions have their Data Mailbox address stated in the Contacts section of their website; you can also search for the address directly via the interface.
Important: once you set up a Data Mailbox, you are obliged to use it towards the Financial office, i.e. you cannot submit the paper version of your tax return anymore.
Also, the messages in the online Data Mailbox are deleted after 90 days, unless you have a paid version which stores your messages. The “Data Safe” is free for the first 6 months and then you have to pay for it.
But, if you use the Datovka app, the messages are stored on your hard disc.
- Data Mailbox: Can I use it in English?
The original online Data Mailbox version managed by the Czech Post is only in Czech.
However, you can download the application Datovka.
Datovka is a cross-platform desktop application for accessing Data Mailboxes and permanently storing data messages on your local disc, similar to your e-mail client. The application has an English version, installation is only in Czech though. After installation and login, you have to go to Settings (cogwheel), select the last bookmark (jazyk) and switch the setting to English. After restarting, the app will function in English.
- BrnoID: What can I do with my online ID?
There are two types of online BrnoID: basic and full. For your basic ID, you just need to register with your e-mail. You can then:
- pay your waste collection fee,
- buy transferable tickets for Brno public transport, or even some the non-transferable ones for a short period of time,
- pay a fine if caught using public transport without a ticket,
- purchase the Brnopas tourist card,
- purchase zoo tickets,
- or tickets to some sports facilities (i.e. swimming pools in Kraví hora, Riviéra, Zábrdovice; or the ice rink Moravák).
For a full online ID, you need to get your personal data verified by uploading a scan of your identity card or visiting one of the verification places in person. Once verified, you can also
- manage resident parking and obtain parking permits (which are necessary to park in areas falling under the residential parking system)
- you’ll also be able to buy your long-term ‘šalinkarta‘.
- create a library account and manage it remotely.
- BrnoID: How can I set it up?
For the basic functions, you can simply register with your email. The platform works like a standard e-shop.
For more advanced functions (such as buying your šalinkarta, the long-term tram/bus pass), you need to get your personal data verified by uploading a scan of your identity card or visiting one of the verification places in person.
Follow the instructions in the e-shop: the platform’s completely in English and free of charge to use.
General info
Administration strikes to be increasingly online in the CR. One example is the rising awareness of e-government that eases your access to public services. The Citizen Portal “Portál občana” is the gateway to e-government in Czechia. If you want to follow this trend and avoid clumsy conversations in Czech (and waiting in queues), there are three main tools to get:
- Czech Digital Identity “identita občana” – your key to e-government
- Data Mailbox “datová schránka” – your verified e-mail box
- BrnoID – the city’s official e-shop
Czech Digital Identity
or Citizen Identity “Identita občana” is used for secure and easy login to various state and public administration portals. It includes, for example, the eGovernment Mobile Key, NIA ID, bank identity and other means of identification, which you can use to reliably prove your identity when logging in.
Data Mailbox
Data Mailbox “datová schránka” (usually called “datovka”) is an official electronic mailbox used for communication with Czech government offices. It functions similarly to an email account but provides legally binding communication.
It’s a system of secure communication that can be used to correspond with public authorities by sending and receiving documents electronically.
Set up your own data mailbox through this website – all in English.
The BrnoID platform is the city’s e-shop which allows handling services (fees, fines, tickets) from the comforts of your home.
The platform’s completely in English and free of charge to use.