General info

Official institutions and sources

City of Brno
South Moravian Survival Kit (by Regional Development Agency)
#brnoregion (learn more about the region and share it with others)

International institutions 

Foreign consulates in Brno
British Council Brno
Alliance Française Brno
Österreich Institut Brno
Japanese Centre Brno

Getting around 

Brno Airport
Brno public transportation (fares, services, up-to-date delays)
Czech Railways (connections and tickets)
Regiojet – buses, trains
Eurolines – buses
Flixbus – buses

NGOs helping foreigners

Integration Centre for Foreigners
OPU – refugees
Charita Celsuz
Salvation Army
InIustitia – hate violence
SPONDEA – domestic violence

Culture and leisure-time activities

Go to Brno
Online tickets to Brno events
BRNOguide – trips, tours
USE-IT Brno – a PDF of a paper map made by locals, with no ads
Pálava Publishing – Czech books translated into English
Karolinum Press – modern Czech classics translated into English
Call of the Woods – hiking trips around Brno organised by expats
The Brno History Walks – let them take you through the Jewish Trail, “Moravian Manchester”, etc
Brno Free Walking Tours – show up for a tour and pay afterwards
Official tourism portal of South Moravia

Expat blogs in English

Brno Chris – follow on FB
Kevan (Canadian): Beyond Prague
Giorgia (Italian): Pick a Place, Get Lost
Megan & David (USA): Half This World Away – tips and news from Brno’s relocation company
Dan (Azerbaijani): Brnodan
Expat Mom
Girl in Czechland – active in 2011

News in English

Brno News CTV – Czech national TV in English, follow on Facebook
Brno Daily
Radio Prague
Prague Post
Prague Morning

Expat communities

Brno English Movie Club
Brno Toastmasters
Brno Business Toastmasters
Brno Writers Group forum
CouchSurfing Brno group in Brno MeetUps

Facebook groups in Brno:

English in Brno – connecting language teachers and students
Living in Brno
Foreigners in Brno
Multilingual Flats in Brno
Multilingual Jobs in Brno
Buy and Sell in Brno
Buy & Sell Baby / Children’s things in Brno
Give Things Away for Free 
Give Things Away for Free II
Self Employed in the Czech Republic
The Brno Book Club
Sports Brno International
Czech meetings
Czech for Foreigners in Brno
Czech Word a Day
Applying For Czech Citizenship, anebo kde domov můj
Dance in Brno
Brno Frisbee
English Board Games Brno
Exp Art Festival
Art Connect Women

National/language Facebook groups

Americans in Brno
Armenians in Brno
Canucks in Brno
Catalá a Brno
Colombianos en Brno
Deutschsprachige Treffen in Brünn
Deutschsprachiger Stammtisch Brno
Español en Brno
Ex-Yugoslavia in Brno
Soirée Francaise Brno
Francophone Brno
Greek community Brno
Greeks in Brno
Hungarians: Magyarok Brünnben
Hungarians: Brünni Magyarok
Indians in Brno
Indian community in Czech Rep.
Israelis in Brno
Italiano a Brno
Muslims in Brno
Nihongo / Japanese in Brno
Nederlands in Brno
Polacy w Brnie
Português em Brno
Romanii din Brno
Russians in Brno
Russian in Brno
South Africans in Brno
Turkish in Brno
Ukrainians in Brno
Ukrainians in Czechia
Ukrainians in the Czech Republic

Family Facebook groups and links:

Brno Expat Women’s Network
Brno Expat Family Network
Foreign Mothers and Mothers-to-be
English Speaking Mums in Brno and Kuřim
Enfants francophones à Brno
La Herna francophone
Parenting Meetup
Mixed Families