Preparing for Czech High School Entrance Exams and Lessons

A free Czech language course for teenagers pursuing Czech secondary education opens registration. Help your child’s academic journey with the support from the Centre of International Mobility.

As many parents probably know, it’s often hard for foreign teenagers to get into a Czech secondary school. Apart from various limitations set up by the schools themselves, the biggest problem usually is the language barrier. The entrance examinations and teaching itself are done in Czech, which can be very limiting for internationals.

Introducing an intensive Czech language course

To overcome this obstacle, the South Moravian Centre of International Mobility together with the Meta NGO opened a new intensive course of Czech language aimed at improving the language skills necessary for passing the entrance examination and the secondary school lessons, as well as being able to have a normal conversation. 

A link to the Czech language course >>

This course is one-year-long, takes place from Monday to Friday every week between 16 September 2024 and 27 June 2025 and attendees spend 5-6 hours daily in the classroom. After passing, the students should be well prepared to apply for a Czech secondary education and able to pass all exams before, during or even at the end of their studies ( at least language-wise). 

On top of that, this language course is free of charge. Parents of the kids will only be asked to pay a 5,000 CZK deposit, which will be given back after successful graduation from this course. This is done only to motivate the kids to come to the courses as often as possible as the attendance of at least 80% of the lessons is mandatory.  

Conditions of enrolment

There are two prerequisites to being allowed to attend the course though:

1] the kids must prove that they are truly interested in studying at a Czech secondary school (or even university). They must demonstrate their motivation. This will be done through a two-step individual admittance examination, during which the applicants will be asked to come for a personal interview and create a video about themselves. 

2] they have to be able to prove that they have already passed 9 grades in primary education. It does not necessarily have to be a Czech primary school, but they must be able to show that they successfully graduated from the compulsory education. This course is, therefore, unfortunately not available for kids who currently study at primary schools. 

More courses for children

However, since the International Mobility Centre representatives don’t want to leave these younger kids without help, they also open new courses where these children can study Czech, as well. They offer a course held once a week for 90 minutes, combining 30 lessons taught between October 2024 and April/May 2025, which is centred at improving language skills needed for studying at the secondary school. This course is available to older youngsters (up until 18 years of age) too.  

They also offer an intensive summer course held between 29 July 2024 and 23 August 2024, in which the kids (again both currently studying or having graduated from primary education) will spend 4,5 hours learning Czech a day, 5 days a week, 100 hours in total. Both these courses are, again, free, just with a refundable deposit to pay and get back after finishing them. 





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