What benefits do BEC members have?

Take a full advantage of the Brno Expat Centre membership! The new BEC members’ area is a password protected area for registered members. Once logged in, anyone can:
1) use Contact Us form for consultation free of charge
2) download Infosheets full of useful information and contacts
3) sign up for events, both expert seminars and informal meetings.
BECmembersHow to become a member?
Fill out a short registration form answering necessary items such as your name, nationality, contact e-mail and optionally additional info about your life in Brno. Now you can access the BEC members area with your newly created login and password.  In case you have already registered in the past (before Aptil 2013), your registration is still valid and you need to retrieve your password only.
How to ask for a specific piece of advice or set up an appointment?
Login first and go to our Contact Us form. Fill in necessary details about your inquiry and write down your question, comment, request etc. We get back to you usually within a day or two. Remember, be as specific as you can be. General questions are difficult to answer for every single case and would be just mailing back and forth to learn more details about your case.
– When looking for a service in the town (doctor, gym, hairdresser, bank, insurance office etc.) let us know where do you live or where is your workplace.
– When asking for advice regarding your residence status in the Czech Republic, let us know your residence status, when does your current residence permit expires, how long you have been here, what are your plans, whether you have family members here and what nationality/residence status are they.
– When asking for a help to set up appointment at the Immigration office, Car registry, Trade licensing office etc. let us know what days and time are you available and how good is your Czech.
– Remember to highlight your access to priority services (e.g. assistance) when employee of one of our Partners. Your request might be handled faster and appointments set sooner.
How can I download Infosheets and lists of contacts?
Login first and go to the Infosheets page. Now you can download an Infosheet on any given topic. Infosheet usually comprises of a general overview followed by a list of offices, services, places where to look for further help. Referral Programme Members – verified service providers – are highlighted in the appropriate Infosheets. Any update, addition or comment to the Infosheets welcome!
How to attend/sign up for a BEC event?
Login first and go to the Events page. Upcoming events are listed in the top box. Click on the specific event title and book your seat. Leave a comment, suggestion or question for guest speakers on the event. For BEC seminars a booking is necessary. InformAL meetings have been accessible without a booking so far. Regardless, to attend any BEC event you should be registered member. Since all events are free of charge, registration is the least you can do to sustain the Brno Expat Centre’s activities.
As always, the centre is here because of you and all for you. Comments, ideas for activities, suggestions are therefore welcome!


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We're now conducting research into the life of internationals in Brno, in order to improve the support the city offers you. The results also design and shape public policies with your needs in mind, and help push the future of the city in the right direction.

Please, share your experience living in Brnoregion in our questionnaire and be a part of changing things for the better.

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