How to fill out Czech tax report? A step-by-step manual

We invited a tax expert, Anne Meyer, to walk us through a step-by-step manual on how to fill in and submit your tax declaration. She also explains how to take benefit of all possible tax reliefs and allowances.
In the video, she showed us how to sort out your income tax electronically. The online platform calculates your taxes and reliefs; all you need to do is put in your personal information and your income.
Watch the video here:
A list of links to use:
- Fill out your tax return with the help of the online app: (Elektronicka podani > Elektronicke formulare > Dan z prijmu fyzickych osob)
- Find your Financial Office: (enter your “PSČ”, like 602 00)
More useful guides:
- Our guide on how to use the Data Mailbox:
- Our guide explaining the income tax in more detail:
- Our video explaining Czech tax system (income tax, tax allowances and reliefs): Facebook video