How to Queue at the Municipality

I’m afraid we don’t offer any general advice that would make the experience of waiting in a line more pleasant (well, just make sure your phone is charged, take a book and avoid rush hours). On the other hand, we can help you avoid some unpleasant surprises that can await you at public offices: lately, it has been the newly installed queuing ticket machines.
The language barrier still stands quite strong at many public offices in Brno. One of the reasons behind it can be the machines distributing queuing tickets. After walking to an office, you are often asked to use the machine and click on an option according to the type of your enquiry. The machine prints a ticket with a number. When the number gets called, it is your turn to approach the specified clerk.
These machines don’t always offer an English menu. You can either ask someone to help you pick an option, or use some nifty screen translator (which instantly translates the text you are capturing with your phone’s camera. For example, Google offers such an app). Or, you can prepare in advance and know exactly which button to press for your inquiry.

Czech Post has a machine with an option to switch to an English menu.
The Department of Transport at Kounicova 67 has a new machine only in Czech. You need to visit this office in order to obtain a driving license or register your car. You can read more about that in our infosheets “Driving licence and driving schools” and “Having a car and registering an imported car”, free to download from here: Infosheets.
We have prepared a translation of the queue ticket machine which can be found on your left after entering the office at Kounicova 67. Hopefully, it will prepare you for the visit. Click on the picture to enlarge it or download it.