Saving for retirement from the Czech Republic

We invited a financial expert Monika Souza to share tips on securing (and maximizing) your retirement savings in the CR. There has been some news introduced in 2024, and Monika talks about those, too.

Watch the short video right here:

(Monika talks for some 20 min; for the rest of the time in the video, she answers questions from the audience).

In the video, Monika answers these questions:

  • What are the options for savings and investments for retirement in the Czech Republic?
  • What tax cuts or state contributions can I receive?
  • What are these new government plans? DIP (Long-term Investment Product), and how is it different from the Supplementary Pension Plan, DPS?
  • Can I choose where to invest my funds?
  • What should I choose if I am 50 years old, and what do you suggest for a 30-year-old person?
  • If I want to invest only 1,000 CZK per month, which product is better?
  • What if I want to invest 5,000 CZK or more per month?

Monika is available to answer your questions even outside the webinar. You can contact her at:

  • Monika Souza
    Consultant VIII Partners Financial Services
    +420 777 223 684

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