When leaving Brno

It’s a possibility lurking in every expat’s life: Brno might not be your final destination. If the day comes and you will have to leave, there are some steps to take to do it right. Yes, you could just pack your things and leave, and the municipality would probably not be chasing you down all across the world with your unpaid waste collection bills. However, you never know if you would like to come back one day – and it would be good to allow yourself a clean slate if you do so.

Here’s a list of the matters to keep in mind when planning your departure. Bookmark it or remember to google it when the time comes.

1. Immigration office

You have an obligation to return your residence permit (if you got one) and inform the Immigration office about your departure from the Czech Republic. You can do so within 3 days your departure, either in person or by post (Ministerstvo Vnitra, OAMP, Tuřanka 1554/115b, 627 00 Brno-Slatina) anytime later.

2. Waste collection fee

Deregister yourself at the municipality webpage to avoid any future misunderstanding.  Fill in a notice of cancellation and email it to odpady@brno.cz within 15 days of your departure. See our Waste collection guide if you find yourself with some further questions.

3. Taxes

There are no tax benefits for leaving the country. However, for the months when you did not work in the CR in a calendar year, you will be entitled to apply a monthly relief for a taxpayer (around 2,000 CZK a month) and lower the taxes you have paid for the part of the year you were working. However, you cannot do this anytime: you have to wait for your tax record until the end of the year and you will probably have to hire an accountant for this. 

4. Social security payments

If you were employed, your employer would simply stop paying the social security for you when your contract finished. There are no social security payments returned to you for leaving the country.
If you were self-employed, cancelling your Trade License takes one visit to the Trade License Office. Afterwards, they will automatically inform the Financial Office, Social Security Administration and your public health insurance company about your change of status and you can simply stop paying your monthly instalments.

5. Health insurance

You are covered by the public health insurance until the last day of your employment. If you wish to stay in the CR longer after the termination of your employment and be covered by a health insurance, you will have to either purchase a commercial health insurance (nonEU citizens without permanent residency) or stay in the public health insurance system as unemployed or pay for yourself each month.

6. Finishing your rental contract

There might be other obligations to consider: we recommend to look again into your lease agreement to avoid any surprises. In particular, try to get answers to these questions: How long in advance do you need to give in your notice? When is the landlord obliged to give you back your deposit? What can they deduct from it? Do you need to have the flat repainted/properly cleaned before the takeover?

* * *

Hopefully, your departure will go smoothly and you can soon focus on settling in in your new home. Safe travels and good luck!


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