Introducing a new infosheet: Obligations with a trade licence

Along with the trade licence (živnostenské oprávnění) comes not only the right to carry out business, issue invoices and receive money but also a number of legal obligations. Every sole proprietor must pay, in addition to income tax, social security contributions and health insurance.
The new infosheet “Obligations when Setting Up and Running a Business” follows up on the infosheet “Setting Up a Business” and explains the obligations towards the Trade Licensing Office, Immigration Office, Social Security Administration, health insurance company and Financial Office.
Foreigners on different residence status have different obligation. EU citizens, non-EU nationals, permanent residents, freelancers with employment, business people trading across borders are all in a different situation and particular route has to be followed to keep your business and residence straight.
At the Brno Expat Centre we have numerous times assisted in conflicting situation when it was hard or impossible to extend residence permit due to expired trade licence, missing documentation, later reporting or debt towards public offices.
If you are a živnostník in the Czech Republic, please read the infosheet thoroughly and make sure you are all right rather than having to pay lot of money, time and energy on a messed up paperwork. Anyway, you will likely need an individual consultation either with us or a certified tax advisor. Don’t hesitate to contact us.
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