Expats: By Definition ‘Out of the Box’

An expatriate is someone who has left their native country in order to live and/or work in another country. By definition, an expat is “out of the box.”
The Second Annual Brno Short Story Writing Contest, which has started accepting entries, will help to explore this idea. What kind of perspective have you gained by leaving your native country? Do you see yourself differently? Do you understand the world better?
This is your chance to explore those ideas in writing.
The best short story will win 6,000kc. Second place gets 2,000kc and third place gets 1,000kc. The deadline for entries is April 30, 2018.
The BSSWC is a free contest and it is open to anyone, not just expats. Only one entry per person. The short stories must be in English, 2,500 words or less, and include the theme “Out of the Box” in some significant way. The theme is not limited to the expat experience; it can be interpreted in many different ways.
Entries must be submitted by email by midnight April 30, 2018. Winners will be announced in early June.
The jury includes a cross-section of local cultural icons and writing enthusiasts: Don Sparling, a co-founder of the Brno Expat Centre and a longtime leader in the local expat and Masaryk University communities; Tomáš Kačer, a teacher in the Department of English and American Studies at MU and a translator; Anna Formánková, a translator and a book editor at MOBA Publishing House; and contest co-founder and Brno Writers Group co-founder Lee Adams, the At the Movies blogger for the Brno Expat Centre.
The jury will be instructed that the contest is focused on creating a story that includes the theme “Out of the Box” in some significant way. The story is the most important aspect, including writing, originality, character development, and plot development. It is understood that most of the entrants will not be native English speakers and that, in fact, this may be their first attempt to write creatively in English. All entrants should endeavour to adhere to the rules of English; however, spelling and grammar will not be critical for success.
The Brno Short Story Writing Contest was started in 2017 with a grant by the Brno Expat Centre. The theme was “Brno.” The funding for the 2018 version was provided by anonymous donations.
For more information, go to the contest website at brnowritersgroup.blogspot.com or visit facebook.com/brnowritersgroup . Send questions to brnowritersgroup@gmail.com.